Hello you beautiful lot.
It's important to me that you feel a part of this little philosophical adventure. I want to ensure that you're always in the loop and can mark your calendars for topics that resonate with you. Part of that process was the creation of a Production Calendar.
In this calendar, you'll find a roadmap of the episodes we've planned, complete with titles and brief descriptions. Whether you're a long-time listener or have just joined us, this calendar is our way of saying thank you for your support and enthusiasm.
It's also an invitation to engage with us more deeply, by anticipating the conversations ahead and perhaps even shaping them with your feedback and suggestions.
You can find the calendar link in the navigation bar at the top of the page, or you can access it directly using this link:
The Observing I Production Calendar
So, take a moment to explore what's on the horizon for "The Observing I". Circle the dates, share with friends, and prepare to deepen your understanding of the beautiful complexity of the human experience.
Much love,