It’s been a busy one today, so I’m not going into too much depth in this one. I’ve had a chunk of work come in that I need to get my teeth into as of yesterday and have been otherwise distracted.
I want to talk about creating a manifesto and why I feel that it’s important. Don’t worry, I’m not getting all Marxist or political on you. I’m making a concerted effort to avoid politics because
a) it’s polarising
b) it’s all about opinion, and I’m more interested in talking about experience
It’s also got nothing to do with manifestation. I’m not into that, and I don’t believe that it’s a helpful practise to promote to people. There’s an entire article/rant inside me on that, so I’ll save it for later in the week when I’ve got more time.
The idea behind a manifesto is that it’s a simple list of what our values are and how we are going to move forwards to meet them. However, we can’t let that word simple fool us. It’s simple in appearance but complex in manufacture.
There are two modes that we can exist in when we journey through life - active or passive. When we’re passive, we’re going with the flow. It’s the easy option. It’s easy because it requires no effort of will and it allows us to take zero personal responsibility because shit happens.
I’m not touching the passive mode of existence. I’m going to dive into how we can be actively engaged in our life and our choices.
When we have values we’re able to act with agency in our lives. To be active in our own existence and the path that we’re taking, both in what we want out of life and how we behave within it.
If you’re one of those people who knows exactly what your values are and you live by them every day, then I salute you. If not, then the exercise of creating a manifesto is a good place to start in defining what it is that you want to live by in the future and to examine how you’re actually living in the present.
Firstly, get yourself a pen and some paper or a notebook. It’s best to physically write it down because there’s a permanence to ink that helps solidify our thoughts. Digital is far too ethereal for something like this.
Make sure that you’re comfortable and free from distractions. Put your phone on silent and out of sight, and don’t have the TV or radio on in the background. You need to fully focus on this.
Then, take 30 minutes to an hour to write a bullet point list of the values and behaviours that really matter to you in your life. Think about the person that you want to be compared to who you are now. Spill out all those genuine unfiltered aspirations and feelings that you have about yourself and get them onto paper.
Don’t worry about perfectionism. Cross things out, make comments in the margin, get a stream of consciousness going and just let it flow out of you. Turn off that self censoring analytical mind and get into your heart. Who are you? What do you want? How could you be better?
When you’re done, make sure you keep it somewhere that’s easy for you to see and refer to. Then, set yourself a reminder to come back to it in a month’s time and evaluate how you’re doing compared to the points that you’ve raised for yourself.
You might want to keep a journal and write down examples of where you’ve succeeded in meeting your manifesto, and where you might have missed them and what you think you could do to try and meet them in the future.
Also, remember that these points are not set in stone. Much as the person that we are is not set in stone. We’re constantly changing, even though we might not see it. Perpetually shaped by our perceptions and our experiences.
To give you a bit of support, here’s my own manifesto. It might give you some ideas when you’re putting your own one together:
I am bold in my thinking, and listen closely to my heart.
I treat myself with respect and love. I care for the person I am today, and the person I will be tomorrow.
I find gratitude for all that has been given to me. Even in those things I did not ask for. In everything, I give thanks.
I walk on the path that I set myself, not the one that others lay out before me.
I treat my time like the gift that it is. I do not squander it on futile things.
I do not find shame in my mistakes; I use them as lessons from which I can learn.
I am not set back by obstacles. I strive to find my way around them.
In my actions, I am courageous. I choose that which lies outside my place of comfort.
I allow myself to be myself. In this, I am honest and authentic, and express who I am to the world.
I am the owner and heir of my choices in life. I am responsible for what they bring, and am mindful that this can be good or bad.
I act with kindness, and know that unkindness from others only comes from their own suffering. In knowing this, I open my heart to them.
I recognise that nothing is permanent, and cherish experiences for I know they will not last.
I do not fear change, for from change can come wondrous and unexpected things.
I am concerned only with that over which I have control. For all else, I am a leaf on the wind.
I exist in the present, because it is only here that happiness resides.
Take your time, be honest with yourself, and exercise some self-compassion. And if you fancy sharing any points from your manifesto in the comments, I’d be really keen to see them.
Much love