I know. It’s been a while. “Where the fuck have you been?” they exclaimed, a forlorn look decorating their faces like tired wallpaper.
Reality would seem to say that they probably haven’t noticed my absence. It’s important for me to be ok with that. Get down ego. Good dog.
Life has happened. Time has skipped onwards in the way that time does when you get older and everything clamours for your attention with an equal sense of priority like a murder of angry crows.
I wanted to share with you, as I thought it might be interesting, an interview I did with Go Solo magazine last week. In it, I talk about some of the challenges I’ve had in setting up as a therapist, and some of the things that have made it worthwhile. There are even a few bullet points of advice (I know, we’re not supposed to give advice) where I talk about what I’ve learned from my failings in the vainglorious hope that others won’t repeat them.
They will, of course. It’s part of the human experience. We grow so much more from our failures than our successes.
Here’s the link to the article so you can consume it with your beautiful eyes.
Much love