078 Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis, and why you want to have sex with your mother

Freud is a name that almost everyone recognizes, even if they don’t know much about psychology.

078 Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis, and why you want to have sex with your mother

He’s been called the father of psychoanalysis, the man who brought the unconscious mind to the forefront of our understanding of human behaviour. His ideas about dreams, childhood development, and the structure of the mind have left an indelible mark not just on psychology, but on our culture as a whole.

In this episode, we’re going to take a comprehensive look at Freud’s life and work, but we’re not just going to rehash the textbook basics. Instead, we’re going to explore what made Freud such a towering figure in his time, how his theories were shaped by his personal experiences take a deep dive into those theories, and look at the modern criticisms of his work.

This episode is sponsored by my book ⁠The Observing I: A Guide to Living a More Authentic Life⁠, available now on Kindle and in paperback from Amazon.

Much love, David

078 Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis, and why you want to have sex with your mother